
Monday, May 25, 2020

My lockdown story

My lockdown story

When I was younger I went into lockdown because of a very silly virus, it is called Coronavirus. Me, my Mum, Dad and Kobe were in the same bubble. We went into level 4 on the Wednesday 24th March 2020 at 11:59 pm.

In level 4 I felt a little funny about being in lockdown because I couldn't see my friends and teachers. I also did a lot of baking and bike rides with my family.

On the Monday at 11:59 pm 27th we went into level 3.

In level 3 I got a new bike and I went in the Camper van down to Switch and parked up at a lake and went crab hunting. We also went for some walks on the beach. I went on a BIG bike ride to deliver some cards to my friends.

We went into Level 2 on the 13th Wednesday at 11:59 pm. I am now going to going back to school. To see my lovely teachers and friends in class.

I was so nervous to come in to lockdown but I knew I was going to be fine. I was nervous to come back to school on the Monday but knew I would get to see my wonderful friends in their lovely school uniforms . I miss my family but I know I will get to see them after school .

Friday, May 15, 2020

My stopmotion video

We made this video to bring a smile to your face. If you are a little nervous to go back to school watch this video and it will make you a little less nervous about school. Remember the funny side to live .

See you all on monday

stay safe we are in this together.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The answer is . . .


So if you got the bottom one and put it on the top corner one you would have 5 each and every way you look at it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020



Can you move one of the coins to make it 5 on one line and 5 on the other.

Rule: You can only move one coin

should I move the second to last one to the top end ? 
should I move the corner one to top end ?   
should I move the top right one to the bottom ?
should I move the forth to last one on the bottom ?

What should I do ???

I will post up the answer up sometime tomorrow please comment